Compare Online Undergraduate Degrees

Compare undergraduate degrees delivered online to find the best program for you. These 51 bachelor's degrees are among more than 110 programs that Oregon State Ecampus delivers online. You may also narrow your focus by comparing only business degrees, only sciences degrees or only humanities degrees.

Select up to 3 degrees to compare

Additional resources

Tuition and fees calculator

Interested in creating a rough estimate of the total cost of tuition and fees? You can learn more about costs using our three-step tuition and fees calculator.

All undergraduate degrees and programs

Oregon State Ecampus currently delivers more than 50 undergraduate programs (including 40-plus bachelor's degrees) online. Learn more »

Foreign language sequences

You can complete second language proficiency requirements through Oregon State Ecampus. Check out our online foreign language course sequences.

Career resources

OSU Career Development Center provides valuable resources to help you find lifelong career success and meaningful employment in a diverse world. Learn more »